A scholarship is usually a monetary award based on criteria given by the awarding party. It can be given on basis of academic
merit, athletic ability, financial needs or other criteria specific to the group giving the award. For example, there are many
scholarships available for only a specific minority including African Americans minority groups and women. Sometimes college
scholarships are given in a contest manner.
6 steps to success

GCE Results 2017 have just been released

GCE Results 2017. Those who followed the state will rejoice
My dear parents, few months ago, you were lied to by people who thought doing so will keep students out of schools and keep the "struggle" going. The only problem I have with that is the fact that you deserved the truth to enable you make the right decision concerning your child/children. You were made to believe that there will be no GCE, but yet more than 33000 sat for the A levels while more than 44000 sat for the O levels. As unrepentant as the liars are, they progressed with their propaganda and lies by telling you the exams will not be marked and hence needless waiting for the results, today we see that the exams have been marked and the results are out. Even more shocking is the fact that most of these miscreants sabotaged the GCE Board, deceiving people that the exams is gift for all these year, as you can see, the results were catastrophic which reflects the schools hold ups this past academic year. My people for how long are you going to keep falling prey to these liars? Now they tell you not to send your kids to school without a simple apology for the chain of lies they told this past academic year. If you adhere to their cheap propaganda, then the lies will only continue. This is time to pick the piece and pieces of these student's academic lives and move on in September.

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