A scholarship is usually a monetary award based on criteria given by the awarding party. It can be given on basis of academic
merit, athletic ability, financial needs or other criteria specific to the group giving the award. For example, there are many
scholarships available for only a specific minority including African Americans minority groups and women. Sometimes college
scholarships are given in a contest manner.
6 steps to success

Presidential campaign launched, 23 candidates returned, fifteen days to go...

Official campaigns for up coming Prsidential election have been launched on 24/09/2011. In all twenty-three (23) political parties and candidates have been approved and are going to compete for the race of the highest office in the country. Seven million two hundred  thousand voters have been registered and will cast their votes on October 9, 2011. 
The Independent Electoral Commission, Elections Cameroon (ELECAM), is busy carrying out last minute preparations which is mainly the distribution of voters cards to electors within and without the country and the deploiment of the necessary material.  
Critics beleive that the time for distribution of voters card is too small and many electors might not get their cards before that day. To this, ELECAM officials reassured us that the organisation has enough agents and means on the ground to take care of the distribution exercise.
The Administration on its part is doing everything possible to ensure that public peace and order are maintained to enable electors to cast their votes in an atmosphere of total scerenity.

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