A scholarship is usually a monetary award based on criteria given by the awarding party. It can be given on basis of academic
merit, athletic ability, financial needs or other criteria specific to the group giving the award. For example, there are many
scholarships available for only a specific minority including African Americans minority groups and women. Sometimes college
scholarships are given in a contest manner.
6 steps to success

Motives against the publishing of GCE results on the Internet

Here are the main reasons I think play against the publication of Results of major examinations like the GCE on the Internet.

  1. The results could easily be tempered with by some unscrupulous individuals if published on the Internet.
  2. Students and parents could be exploited by cyber cafes that may charge exorbitant sums for Internet credits.
  3. Greater exposure to the Internet shall imply greater exposure to scams and inappropriate sites for teenagers.
  4. By publishing on local journals, the GCE Board is indirectly boasting the reading culture which is currently low. Publishing on the Internet will exclude this incentive. 
  5. Publishing on the Internet will mean frustrating and weakening the local news papers. 
  6. The Internet can hardly replace the radio; therefore reading the results over the radio encourages Cameroonians to cultivate a habit of listen to the radio. 
  7. Publishing the results on the Internet may diminish the credibility of the country and the various certificates abroad.
  8. It’s an opportunity for local news papers that publish the results to register a sudden increase in sales and grow.
  9.  It’s a source of revenue for the GCE Board when news papers and radio stations buy soft copies of the results.

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